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Chungbuk National University Smart Factory Construction Seminar, UDM Tech Case Presentation

Veritas Alpha = Reporter Kim Ha-yeon] Chungbuk National University announced on the 18th that the “Smart Factory Construction Seminar”, hosted by the Link Plus (LINC+) project group, was held in the conference room of Chungbuk National University's Academic Research Institute.


The seminar was prepared to share manufacturing cases and to establish a network of experts in order to expand the establishment of smart factories in the Chungcheong area. The event was co-hosted by Chungbuk National University Big Data Research Institute, Korea Big Data Service Society, Intelligent Safety CK Project Group, Small and Medium Business Federation Chungbuk Regional Headquarters, and Korea Industrial Complex Management Corporation Chungbuk Branch and sponsored by Chungbuk Innobiz and Human System

At the seminar, a lecture by prominent figures in the smart factory in Korea and a presentation of examples of smart factory construction were followed, as well as an advisory to an expert committee member of the smart factory promotion team, and a smart factory solution exhibition was held.


Following the presentation of the theme by Professor Eon-Seok of Texas Tech and the Smart Factory Support Plan by Young-Hwan Choi, an expert member of the Smart Factory Promotion Group, as an example of smart factory technology and construction ▲ Rok-won Kim is responsible for'manufacturing data collection technology' ▲ Professor Kwan-hee Ryu of Chungbuk National University said'Manufacturing Big Data Technology And construction case' ▲ Dr. Kim Bo-hyun of the Institute of Production Technology'smartization of die-casting factory' ▲ LSIS production technology team manager Jo Jung-cheol'stage and implementation case of smart factory' ▲ Lim Kyung-soo, director of FM Korea,'MES construction case' ▲ Jin Jeong-chang CEO of Human System presented'Small and Medium Business MES Construction Case' Wang GI Nam, CEO of UDMTEK announced'Smart Factory Construction Case'.