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UDMTEK-LSIS smart factory construction cooperation MOU signed

LSIS aims to expand'smart factory' in partnership with small and medium-sized companies





LSIS joined hands with SMEs to expand smart factories.

LSIS announced a memorandum of understanding for business and technology cooperation related to smart factory construction with three companies in automation field software (SW) company Brainnet (production management), Emaintech (facility management), and UDMtech (process monitoring) at Anyang LS Tower on the 1st. (MOU) was exchanged.

According to the agreement, four companies, including LSIS, will form a consortium and participate in bidding for new projects in future smart factory construction projects as well as technical cooperation.

LSIS is planning to target the factory automation (FA) market for large and medium-sized companies as well as the expansion of smart factories for small and medium-sized businesses with a smart factory standardization model that combines information and communication technology (ICT)-based factory operation information systems.


Bong-Hyun Kwon, head of the A&D Business Division of LSIS, said, “We will double our competitiveness in building smart factories in cooperation with small but strong SMEs. As strengthening manufacturing competitiveness is a global topic, we will secure Korean smart factory standardization technology to advance into overseas markets together. said.


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