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UDMTEK, a small giant, implements VR SCADA'before your eyes'

UDMTEK, a small giant, implements VR SCADA'before your eyes'

UDMTEK implements VR SCADA “Before Your Eyes” Maeil Ilbo 2017.9.24

The process of a local smart factory is demonstrated with the VR SCADA system. Photo = courtesy of UDMTEK

UDMTEK, which has been spreading advanced smart factories in domestic and overseas manufacturing sites for 12 years this year, is planning to introduce'VR SCADA', which can analyze and control process conditions in virtual reality.

UDMTEK is a venture company founded in 2006 by Professor Wang GI Nam of Ajou University. CEO Wang is a smart factory demo'PLC Studio' and'OPTRA' consisting of a manufacturing solution product'UDM Solution' and a virtual physical system (CPS: Cyber ​​Physical System) developed with 25 R&D experts. It is equipped with.

According to related industries, only three companies in the world that realize a digital factory with PLC control verification solutions are Siemens in Germany, Dassault in France and UDMTEK in Korea.

UDM Smart SCADA integrated solution, which combines UDMTEK's technology, is an automated facility and process analysis system equipped with a UDM solution tracker with a high-spec large display. It shows the current process status such as production per hour and error rate, and is characterized by being able to control.

The process of a local smart factory is demonstrated with the VR SCADA system. Photo = courtesy of UDMTEK

There are four major solutions of UDMTEK. 'DPS' that enables virtual production and pre-verification before product design,'I/O Maker (Makr)' that realizes design standardization in the process of building a smart factory, and'PLC Studio' that is used for virtual trial run considering the control system. , It has technologies such as'Optra Tracker', which is software (SW) support for checking and improving process abnormalities after building a smart factory.

This UDMTEK is planning to introduce a solution called ‘VR Scada (tentative title),” which is a VR-integrated solution in November. Currently, VR Scada can even build a simulation using a device. However, when the data synchronization of the smart factory is achieved, the UDM Smart SCADA integrated solution that can analyze and control can be checked directly in virtual reality.



현지 스마트공장 공정과정을 VR 스카다 시스템으로 시현하는 모습. 사진=유디엠텍 제공


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In addition, VR-based real-time factory situation monitoring VR education for operators, producers, and managers Experience for visitors to demo factories and representative factories is expected to result in more advanced smart factories.

Seung-Hwan Kim in charge of UDMTEK's 3D team said, “The PLC studio configured based on simulation is focused on receiving and optimizing smart factory data.” It is possible to grasp easily and intuitively with the 3D display.”

UDMTEK's goal is to develop and support an independent VR-based CPS solution that HILS (Hardware-in-the Loop) technology delivers multidimensional characteristics and information to workers quickly and cannot be expressed on a 2D display.


CEO Wang said, “Through UDMTEK's CPS solution that can be linked with the customer's product design, analysis, operation technology, and processing machine controller, the product design and manufacturing capabilities of manufacturing companies in various industries are improved, process standardization, virtual trial run, and abnormal processes We will contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the national manufacturing industry by supporting tracking and improving process efficiency.”

Meanwhile, the government has proposed the expansion of 30,000 smart factories as a policy by 2025, such as introducing a smart factory certification system and expanding financial support by establishing a strategy to revitalize the manufacturing industry according to the spread and expansion of smart factories. He pointed out that although the demand for smart factories is increasing, it still requires a lot of trial and error to exist as a product. This is because there are various industries in the field, and each industry has different characteristics, requirements, target performance, and generated data logs. He added, “The government collects information on the operation technology and automation technology of factories for each industry, and proposes standard recommendations. Through this, it is necessary to provide specific data standardization and quantitative performance. Based on this, various smart factory solution providers will be able to create libraries for each industry through clear target performance and standardized data. It will grow into a single smart factory introduction model that reflects the characteristics and demands.”


나기호 기자  nakh@m-i.kr