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LSIS aims to expand'smart factory' in partnership with small and medium-sized companies

Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Park Daehan = LSIS [010120] is working with SMEs in the field of automation to target the smart factory building market.


On the 1st, at the headquarters of LS Tower in Anyang, Gyeonggi-do on the 1st, LSIS announced a'Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Smart Factory Construction Project and Technical Cooperation' with 3 companies, Brainnet, Emaintech, and UDMTEK (process monitoring), which are software specialized small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of automation. Signed. Four companies, including LSIS, which have signed this agreement, will form a consortium to participate in the bidding when ordering new projects for future smart factory construction projects as well as technical cooperation.


LSIS plans to provide a smart factory package solution by applying Brainnet Production Management System (MES), Emaintech facility maintenance management system, and UDMtech virtual facility control technology to automation solutions such as PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).


A smart factory is a factory that combines information and communication technology (ICT) in the entire process from product planning to design, manufacturing, and distribution. Through real-time data monitoring and automatic analysis, it is possible to detect process abnormalities and quality defects in advance, thereby improving productivity and quality competitiveness. LSIS has already built a smart production line at its Cheongju 1 plant, and has implemented full automation across all lines, from parts supply to assembly, testing, and packaging.




<사진 : LS산전 청주 1사업장 스마트 생산라인>


